Q&A What is the best way to purchase the BalanceOil?



What is the best way to purchase the BalanceOil?​

Should I take a test first and buy oil based on the results?


Staff member
The most affordable way is to buy a start kit in which the Balance Test is included. However, this means you have a binding 6 month subscription.

If you want to try out the product first, we recommend buying first only one bottle - so that you will NOT be committed to a subscription.

Balance Oil is available in 3 flavors,
Lemon, Vanilla, and Orange-Lemon-Mint. You can change between these flavors anytime you want during your subscription.

We also have AquaX, which is Balance Oil that you can mix with water or other liquid and has a lemon taste. We have recently added also Balance Oil Vegan in our selection.