Good fats, bad fats… fatty acids and nutrients are a balancing act! Are you consuming enough Omega 3s? To help your Omega 3 fatty acids supplements work better, here’re some useful tips:

  • Always take your Omega 3 fatty acids supplements with food, because consuming stimulates blood circulation in your digestive system. Increased blood circulation enhances the absorption of vital nutrients from your supplementations.
  • Take your supplementation all at once or all through the day, as you like, but stick to a consistent plan.

Types of fats

The human body requires a sufficient intake of healthy fats for energy production and for the growth and development of essential heart and brain cells. However, it’s important to note that unhealthy fats can contribute to a multitude of health complications. The unique composition of fatty acids in a specific type of fat directly influences its impact on your health. Certain fatty acids can potentially increase your risk of cancer and heart disease, while others may actually offer protective benefits.

It’s crucial to identify which fatty acids are essential for normal growth and development and which should be consumed sparingly or avoided altogether.

Good fats

Monounsaturated fats can aid protect your cardiovascular system. The Source of these fatty acids is canola, peanut, or olive oil. Omega 9 fats are the most prevalent monounsaturated fats in nature. These are liquid forms at room temperature.

Bad fats – Saturated fats

Saturated fatty acids are found in animal products like butter, cream, cheese, and meat. They are also found in tropical oils like coconut and palm oil. Consuming too much saturated fatty acids can boost your risk for coronary artery issues, obesity, and diabetes. Consuming fats can also raise cholesterol levels in our bodies. Saturated nutrients and fats are solid at room temperature.

Trans fatty acids

Trans fats are created when liquid vegan oils are hydrogenated to form a semi-solid substance, akin to margarine or vegetable shortening. These hydrogenated fats can increase levels of harmful LDL cholesterol and decrease beneficial HDL cholesterol, potentially increasing the risk of heart diseases.

These fats are commonly found in pre-packaged foods such as cookies, margarine, and pastries, and can be identified by phrases like ‘partially hydrogenated’ or ‘hydrogenated vegan oils’ in the product description. Hydrogenated fats, unlike their non-hydrogenated counterparts, remain solid at room temperature.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Polyunsaturated fats are primarily divided into two categories: Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 6 fats are abundant in oils and seeds of soybean, corn, and sunflower. Omega 3s are found in fatty, cold-water fish like tuna and salmon, as well as in spinach, romaine lettuce, kale, flax seeds, walnuts, and evening primrose.

While Omega 6 fats can contribute to heart health, an excessive intake relative to Omega 3s may lead to health problems. Omega 3s, on the other hand, are beneficial for the heart, brain, and joints. Both types of fatty acids are liquid at room temperature.

Do We Consume Enough Omega 3?

Despite the recommended daily intake for Omega 3 fatty acids being set at 600mg by most health authorities, the actual intake for many people, especially in the United States, falls short of this target. This is mainly due to a lack of fish, particularly the types rich in Omega 3s like white fish, in their diet.

Furthermore, cooking methods like deep-frying can reduce the effectiveness of Omega 3 fatty acids. As a result, the average daily intake of crucial Omega 3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA may be less than 200mg.

Omega 3 fatty acids Supplements

DHA and EPA are 2 of the most vital Omega 3s. And both DHA and EPA are vital nutrients, which means that your body needs them normal function but can’t produce them. The single way to get these vital nutrients is to increase Omega 3 in foods or take Omega 3 fatty acids supplements.

Omega 3s are the building blocks of every living cell in our body. They’re vital for normal health and development. Without them, body cells cannot renew, function, or maintain themselves rightly.

Omega 3 fatty acids promote cardiovascular health, and support healthy memory, are vital for learning a skill, help our brain, and eye vision development of babies, and promote natural joint mobility and flexibility.

Triglyceride forms of omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3s in their TG (National Triglyceride) form is more simply and immediately digested into your system. Omega 3s occurs as triglycerides in fatty fish. Your body is accustomed to managing fats in this natural TG form and hence they’re more easily and instantly digested.

Omega 3 fatty acids supplements that have not been converted back on the TG shape are normally available but are not effectively converted by your body to the form you want to get the nutritional advantage. Triglycerides are natural molecules getting 3 fatty acids chains attached to a glycerol backbone.  In a TG, the chain is designed in the natural form, making it extra bio-available.

DHA, a highly unsaturated omega-3 fatty acid found naturally, plays a crucial role in maintaining and developing the eyes and brain across all stages of life — from fetus and baby to child and adult. Regarded as a vital building block for nerves, the brain, and the eyes, DHA constitutes 40-50% of brain and lipid material and a significant 60% of retinal material.

Supporting routine mental functions, DHA is key to optimal learning, memory, and concentration. It’s worth noting that your cognitive abilities such as learning, thinking, and recollecting can be influenced by the level of DHA present in your cells.

In the case of a fetus or baby, DHA is paramount for the development of their brain and vision. By aiding the transmission of electrical signals among the brain’s billions of cells, DHA plays a significant role in forming your mood, actions, and thoughts. Importantly, brain cell membranes developed through Trans fats building blocks can have different structures and less fluidity, potentially hindering their normal functions and increasing the cell’s vulnerability to damage and death.

Your body uses Omega 3s, minerals, vitamins to develop the outer walls of each cell. Healthy cell formation helps maintain important metabolic features. And since your mind can’t produce DHA or synthesize it from food, you must add it to your diet plan or take DHA.

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