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Velovita Frequently Asked Questions

By |2022-11-30T09:07:28+02:0010 októbra, 2022|

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Velovita






Serum for natural energy boost and clearing brain fog.

Sleep & Slim

Enjoy a good night’s sleep and a rejuvenated mornings.

Time reverser

Designed to help you look and feel more vibrant and youthful.


Safe way to control your appetite and conquer cravings.


Protect your body from electromag-netic radiation and EMF around you.


Uncategorized and other questions about all products.


Other questions regarding the company.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Brān – Reimagined

Brān , pronounced [breyn], is a delicious serum that comes in a single serving package that’s fun and convenient to use while giving you a natural energy boost, clearing brain fog, enhancing mood, and helping with cravings. Brān is a well-rounded premium nootropic with leading-edge nanotechnology for maximum impact to deliver an instant boost to the central control unit of your body – your brain.
Brān gives you an instant uplift that may support healthier brain performance by working in 3 stages:

Alpha Stage

  • Boosts Mental Energy
  • Instant Mental and Physical Boost
  • Improves Athletic Performance

Beta Stage

  • Improves Mood
  • Supports Positive Thinking
  • Supports Feelings of Calmness

Omega Stage

  • Boosts Mental Performance
  • Improves Mental Acuity
  • Improves Focus & Alertness

As each body is different, the effect depends on each individual. However, typically the benefits you feel can last anywhere from 4 to 6 hours.

For most people, it is recommended to take it before 2 PM or when you hit a wall during the day and need an energy boost.
Many experience clarity and other results within minutes. Other results from Brān can be felt over the next several hours from taking it including a long-lasting, calm energy. Many of the results are very subtle and may not be felt until after you miss a day or two and realize you miss the benefit. It is different for different people.

We recommend using an entire box before evaluating, due to the subtle nature of some of the benefits.

Uüth – Time reverser

While we naturally produce collagen to support healthy skin, hair, nails and joints, our bodies create less of it over time as soon as we hit our early 20s. Environmental factors can also contribute to the depletion of collagen such as pollution, sun exposure and even dry skin.

Collagen is known to promote circulation as well as strengthen the structure of our connective tissue, bones, and ligaments.

Regularly consuming collagen peptides can slow the signs of aging and reduce dryness. Thanks to collagen’s ability to strengthen our skin, several studies have shown increased hydration, elasticity, and a more youthful appearance as a result.

Uüth contains type 1 grass-fed bovine collagen.
We stand behind the safety and efficacy of every ingredient and as always, behind our FDA registered and cGMP standards manufacturing facility. However, in the case of nursing or pregnancy, we suggest you check with your doctor for their recommendation.
Uüth begins delivering the benefits you want from the very first snap and indeed you are likely to feel more vibrant with an overall sense of well-being. We suggest you take a before picture of yourself in good lighting before you start, then use Uüth for 60-90 days and take another picture in the same lighting to compare the two.

We’re confident you’ll notice great benefits and #LOVIT!! Uüth was formulated to deliver even more benefits with long-term use so feel free to make it a part of your daily routine and an integral part of your strategy to defy father time!

Yes, however, we recommend you start with only one dose of Uüth per day.
YES! Actually, the three can be used independently, but results are that much better if taken together, each as directed. With Brān in the morning, Zlēm at night and Uüth in the afternoon, you are set up for optimal results and 24 hours of AWESOME!
We stand behind the safety and efficacy of every ingredient and as always, behind our FDA registered and cGMP standards manufacturing facility. However, in the case of children under 16 years of age, we suggest you check with your doctor and take their recommendation.
Indeed it is. Actually, Uüth was formulated to deliver even more benefits with long-term use so feel free to make it a part of your daily routine and an integral part of your strategy to defy father time!

Tüun – Resonate

Uüth Resonate uses an advanced proprietary combination of frequencies and a mix of infused minerals to dissipate most electromagnetic fields emitted by today’s technology as well as other stressors that increase the oxidation process in your body.
No, simply put your Uüth Resonate on and you’re all set!

Uüth Resonate contains our BET which is made up of our proprietary combination of frequencies and a matrix of infused minerals. These proprietary components work together to dissipate the effects of electrosmog and other stressors in a harmonious way.

This product is splash-proof, but we advise against submerging it under water.
No, there are no side effects associated with Uüth Resonate
No, Uüth Resonate forms a shielding atmosphere of protection, allowing you to stay safe within the radiating chaos. The cutting-edge functionality of this device provides consistent protection without any signal interruption.

Velovita Products – General

No, Velovita products are soy free.

The V-Pack contains 5 single servings of product, you can personally use it or give it away as a gift or to prospects. For more information on the content of each V-Pack, please contact Customer Service.

Please be advised that the current date displayed on our Brān boxes is the Date of Manufacturing, the expiration date of our products is 2 years from the previous specific date.

We stand behind the safety and efficacy of every ingredient and as always, behind our FDA registered and cGMP manufacturing facility. However, in the case of nursing or pregnancy, we suggest you check with your doctor and take their recommendation.

Before taking any dietary supplement, you should always consult your health care practitioner if you are using any medications or have any medical conditions.

All our snap-packaging is BPA free.
All ingredients are on the FDA generally regarded as a safe list (GRAS). However, Velovita products are a dietary supplement and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

We realize many people want to take a day off from their supplements, whether to „reset“ or just due to travel and a busy schedule getting in the way. With that in mind, and to keep our price-point as reasonable as possible, we have included 25 snaps in each box. Also, since 5 is a special number to us here at Velovita, for many reasons, we like that the number is divisible by and ends in 5.

Our products are manufactured at our facilities in Texas, in the USA. Our manufacturing facility is a licensed, FDA registered, and a Grade A NSF certified facility.
Our products are formulated in-house at our own lab facliity. Our formulation team is top notch, very experienced, includes PhD’s, Chemists, and Food Scientists.

There is no substance in our products that is banned. However, if you’re concerned about this situation, you could ask your doctor to review it. As mentioned before, all ingredients are on the FDA generally regarded as a safe list (GRAS). However, Velovita products are a dietary supplement and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

It depends on the shipment method you choose, however, if you place your order before 4:00 PM ET, it will be shipped that same day, otherwise, the order will be shipped out on the very next business day.

The life expand of Velovita products is 2 years from the manufactured date.

Velovita – General

V-Fill is an optional, automatic monthly recurring order that can be enabled by Members, Customers or Affiliates. It has many benefits such as providing a 10% product discount on every V-Fill order, as well as unlocking many other benefits for you.
  • On the left-hand Menu, select “V-Fill”
  • Unmark the “Enable V-Fill” option, so the product does not show
  • To double-check this has been correctly changed, refresh your page or login again if needed
  • Remember, once you have stopped your V-Fill, in order to remain active, you need to make a purchase of at least 30BV before your remaining active-time ends
  • On the left-hand Menu select “V-Fill”
  • Under the desired product, select the needed amount (“+” to add, and “-” to remove). Please keep in mind, if you just want one product, the unwanted product must remain at 0
  • Click “Save”
  • To double-check this has been correctly changed, refresh your page or login again if needed

NOTE: By enabling “Unconditional V-Fill“, your activation time will NOT be extended when a referred purchase (guest, customer or affiliate) is placed on the system and your V-fill order will ship on the date listed regardless.

Once a Member has enabled the V-Fill option, it is processed every 4 weeks (unless the Unconditional V-Fill is disabled and you or a referred customer places an order). You can consult your next V-Fill purchase date over your Dashboard, located next to your Replicated site link or, through your V-fill feature.

If your V-Fill is enabled and it is not processed (normally due to payment issues or products not selected), you have 2 more attempts to make any correction. This is how it works:

  • Once the V-Fill is enabled, the first V-Fill order will be processed five (5) days before your activation period ends.
  • In case of failure, after the first attempt the system will run 2 more attempts to process your V-Fill (First one 5 days before, the second one 3 days before and the last one 1 day before your activation time ends).
  • An email notification is sent every time the V-Fill fails to be processed.
Once the V-Fill is enabled, the first V-Fill order will be processed five (5) days before your activation period ends.

In case of failure, after the first attempt the system will run 2 more attempts to process your V-Fill (First one 5 days before, the second one 3 days before and the last one 1 day before your activation time ends).

An email notification is sent every time the V-Fill fails to be processed.

In binary you have to build two teams, one on your right and one on your left. The Placement leg setting tells the system where the new enrollees will fall under, there is also a “Strong” option that automatically selects the leg with the biggest volume and a “Lesser” option which places your members under the lesser leg in terms of volume in order to maximize your earnings.
Please note this is only an authorization charge made to ensure the card is legit and it has the correct information. This charge is normally voided during the same day. Rest assured this process is completely normal and secure.

For privacy purposes, you are only able to see the information from your Referred customers. Those customers who were referred by your customers will only appear to your referred customers.

You can consult all your Guest and Customer/Affiliate orders by following the next steps:

  • On the left-hand menu, select “Orders”.
  • Select “Referred Orders”.
  • Use the filters to search by “Username or email”, “Order ID”, “Date Range”, or “Status”.
  • Click on “View details” to see more information about the order

Members are not allowed to and shall not be engaged in activities that are harmful to Velovita, the Company or to any other Velovita Member, and shall not make any negative or derogatory remarks about other Velovita Members, Velovita or the Company.

Members are expressly prohibited from causing, attempting to cause or otherwise soliciting any other Member to join any direct sales company other than Velovita.

By becoming a member, as longs as you’re active, and your V-Fill is fully configured (shipping address, product selected and credit card added) you can get 10% discount on every V-Fill order and any order you place through your store.

In addition, by achieving the Level of Promoter, if you purchase more than 5 boxes, you can get a 15% discount on your products, and by purchasing more than 10 boxes you unlock 20% discount, and it just gets better. Please refer to the Member Rewards Plan to consult the full information about this.

We currently offer UPS (for the United States, Canada, Japan, and the 27 members of the EU as well as the UK) and USPS (V-Packs and singles orders for the United States) as our shipping services. We offer you one of the best shipping services at an incredible flat rate. As soon as your order gets assigned with a tracking number, you will be notified via email.

  • On the left-hand menu, select “Upgrade” option. You will be sent to our Store
  • You will be able to see a bar at the upper center side of your screen showing higher available levels
  • Choose the desired combination of products, and the progress bar will start filling itself based on the amount of BV per product selected (Make sure the progress bar is full for the Upgrade to be completed)
  • Click the “Checkout“ option once you have chosen all of the products and continue
  • Review the information entered and complete the purchase process

NOTE: The Upgrade process might take up to 10 minutes for it to be reflected in your account, we kindly ask you to be patient as your BVs and selected level are being processed and worked on.

  • On the left-hand menu, select “Store”
  • Click on “Add to cart” for the product(s) you want to purchase
  • Click the little cart icon to proceed with the checkout process
  • Click on “Checkout” (or “view cart” if you would like to edit your items)
    Enter your shipping details, select your shipping method, and click “Continue”
  • Enter your billing information (the billing address must match the one from your credit card statement).
  • Then, enter your credit card information and click “Continue”
    Verify the inputted information, as well as the selected product(s). (If needed, click on “Edit” to update any information)
  • If the information entered is correct, select “Place your order” to proceed with your payment
  • You will receive a payment confirmation

If you’re interested in upgrading to a Member here is what you’ll need to do:

  • Click on your username located in the right top corner of the screen
    Select “Become a Member“
  • You will be prompted with the screen where you can select your entry level (please note that if you only want to purchase the membership, you can select the option “Continue without product“)
  • Please complete the necessary information, and select the shipping address (when applicable)
  • Complete your payment information and click “Continue to Confirm“
    Review your order, and after reading our Member Business Agreements, check the box and click “Place your order“

Congratulations, you’re now a Member of Velovita, please note your username and password will be the same as your customer account.

  • On the top right-hand corner, click on your username
  • Click on “Profile”
  • Go to the “Replicated Site” section
  • Edit all of your information by clicking on each “Edit” field option
  • Once the information has been correctly inputted, click on “Save”
  • Your information will update automatically

Zlēm – Sleep & Slim

Zlēm is designed to help you sleep more soundly. The ingredients that help with fat loss are revolutionary in that they are non-stimulant so you should not experience any problems with sleeping.
Zlēm is revolutionary in that it aids healthy weight management in multiple ways, addressing several of the main causes of unhealthy weight, all while you sleep. There are no stimulants. It is designed to help you to get a restful sleep. This makes Zlēm unique.
The only thing to mention is that during stage one, the cleansing is quite thorough so you may experience some slight cramping. That is the product doing its very important work and why stage 1 is only 7 days. Rest assured the product is safe but if the cleansing is too intense, you can back it down to half a serving per day.

We recommend you take only one stage 1 per day for the first 7 days of each box, before bedtime. Then we recommend only one stage 2 per day for the rest of the box, before bedtime.

YES! Actually the two can be used independently, but the results are that much better if taken together, each as directed. With Zlēm at night and Brān in the morning, you are set up for optimal results and 24 hours a day of AWESOME!

We stand behind the safety and efficacy of every ingredient and as always, behind our FDA registered and cGMP manufacturing facility. However, in the case of children under 16 years of age, we suggest you check with your doctor and take their recommendation.

The combination of ingredients (our formula) is made up of a number of ingredients that promote relaxation. Melatonin helps and is one of the ingredients, more than 25, but l-theanine and GABA, Ashwagandha root, Passionflower extract also help promote relaxation and eliminate anxiety which can help induce natural sleep. Hops extract also helps with the sense of feeling good and general well-being which can also help provide a sense of calm.

For weight loss, Zlēm contains many ingredients in the formula that help eliminate cravings and reduce the anxiety that leads to overeating and snacking. GABA, l-theanine, Ashwaganda root, hops extract and passionflower extract help with this also.

Initial weight also comes off because Zlēm has ingredients that help cleanse and detox your digestive system such as senna, milk thistle, marshmallow root.
It helps improve digestion with the enzyme blend, papaya, and ginger root.
Organic artichoke helps with maintaining healthy blood sugar levels which is essential for weight management also.

Then we have an ingredient that is trademarked called Mitoburn that helps increase the rate you burn calories but also aids in the conversion of bad fat (WAT) to good fat (BAT) and promoting lean muscle growth. This ingredient also delivers ketogenic effects so it works very well with a ketogenic diet and those that want to be in ketosis longer.

As you can see the formula is very special and unique and helps address many of the main challenges in maintaining a healthy weight not just one or two.

Many have expressed a much better night’s rest from the very first usage, as well as feeling the effects of the cleanse and detox the very next morning after their first usage. For others, that may take a couple of days.

As for the healthy weight management effect, the results may vary. Some feel a difference in how their clothes fit in as little as a day. That will depend on your own body composition and it is different for everyone.

We recommend using an entire box before evaluating. For weight management, we recommend committing to using it for at least 90 days, depending on what your goals are.

There are not known allergens in the Zlēm product. There are no nuts in our product.

Plôs – Thermo

The FDA does not approve or disapprove dietary supplements, however each ingredient in your product must be on the FDA’s „Generally Regarded as Safe and Effective“ list of known ingredients. All ingredients in Plôs Thermo are on that GRAS (generally regarded as safe) list and compliant.
While Plôs Thermo Thermo is not specifically NSF certified, it, along with all our products are manufactured in an NSF certified facility.
While Plôs Thermo Thermo is not certified Kosher, it, along with all our products are manufactured in a Kosher certified facility.
This product may increase the level of ketones in the body which can contribute to healthy weight loss results.
Yes, but if you are watching your weight, we recommend a low-glycemic, low-calorie sweetener.
Plôs Thermo is designed for adding to coffee. You can take it straight or even add it to another beverage. However, the flavor and consistency were designed for adding to coffee.
Yes it’s possible, but, we suggest you start with one a day. If you choose to add a second, we suggest not after 2 PM.
Plôs Thermo is designed for adding to coffee. You can take it straight or even add it to another beverage. However, the flavor and consistency were designed for adding to coffee.
Plôs Thermo contains no caffeine.

We suggest Plôs Thermo in the morning with your coffee and
Brān an hour or so later. However, there are no hard and fast rules. Experiment and listen to your body.

Plôs Thermo was designed for adding to hot coffee but you can experiment. Although the fats in Plôs Thermo are healthy fats, they are still fats so they may not mix as well in a cold beverage. Give it a try and let us know what you think!
We recommend you see your healthcare provider for their advice.
No, there is no Milk Thistle in Plôs Thermo
Yes, Plôs Thermo is gluten free.

Member Rewards Plan – Questions

You may only join Velovita by registering through a Velovita Member. You may join as a Customer, an Affiliate or a Member through an existing Members replicated website. If you wish to become a Member and be part of our Member Rewards plan, you can decide how much product you need and pay the annual membership fee. Or if you only wish to enjoy our products you can purchase our products as a Customer or Affiliate and have the option to participate in our V-Fill (monthly recurring order).

You can join by only purchasing our annual Membership without having to purchase products. However, you can start unlocking all the benefits of the Members Rewards plan once you start acquiring products, or selling products through your Velovita replicated website that comes with your V-Cloud membership.

BV stands for Business Volume. BV is used to calculate Team Commissions, Referral Bonuses, and other parts of the Member Rewards Plan. Please have in mind that price discounts are also reflected in the BV for each product.

Yes, it is possible to lose your BV, if you become inactive. If you haven’t placed an order in the last 4 weeks, all your BV will be flushed. Another possible scenario is; based on your rank, you have a weekly cycle limit, each rank is allowed a maximum amount of cycles. As you advance in ranks your maximum amount of cycles increases with it, nevertheless, if you are at the Associate rank, you have a maximum of 100 cycles per week, all the volume contained on your lesser leg that overpasses the weekly maximum limit will be flushed as well.

Active Members are eligible to accumulate BV in order to unlock more benefits through the Member Rewards Plan. Every order purchased by Members and customers in your organization will count toward your BV total for either your right leg or your left leg, depending on the leg that Member is placed in, as long as you are active. Additionally, all the BV coming from orders placed by Customers using your replicated site will be added to your lesser leg (otherwise known as your pay leg).

It depends on your strategy, how much you want to have on hand to develop your business and how much you want to use and use for samples, etc. One thing to consider is that the higher the package, the greater the benefits you will receive initially, and the more product you have to immediately work with.

In order to be, and remain active, every Member needs to place an order of at least 25 BV every 4 weeks. You can choose to be on V-Fill to help you remain active, place an order through your personal store, or have a Customer place an order through your replicated site. It is important to be active at all times. Being active helps you to earn commissions, and more importantly to not lose any BV. Once a member becomes inactive, all BV accrued will be flushed and it cannot be reinstated.

As soon as you become active, you have an 8-week window period to upgrade your entry-level. During this 8-week qualifying time period, Members will only have to purchase the remaining BV or have customers order based on the BV that will count towards their upgrade. For instance, if you enroll as an Influencer, you have already purchased 400 BV, if you wish to upgrade to the next entry-level which is Ambassador, you will only need to purchase (or have Customers order) the remaining BV to upgrade within this 8-week qualifying period.

If you wish to upgrade after this 8-week qualifying period, you will need to purchase the selected entry-level at full price.

As a Velovita Member, when you are active in the V-Fill (monthly recurring order) program and enroll 3 Customers in the V-Fill Program, you may receive 1 box of product delivered to you for FREE. Note: You need to inform Customer service about this request, as a Customer Referral Bonus is given by default once you switch to receive the Free box, such change cannot be undone. No BV will be credited for the Free box. Free box will be based on the lower value of the 3 customer boxes.

Once you become a Member, by simply activating yourself, reaching the level of Promoter, personally enrolling 1 active member to your left leg and 1 active member to your right leg, and have 3 individual Customers place an order from your replicated site (no matter if they Checkout as Guest or Customer or Affiliate), you will achieve the rank of Associate. It is important to remain active to maintain this rank. Please note that there is no time limit to get this rank, however, the sooner you unlock it, the sooner you will enjoy more benefits from our Member Rewards plan.

When someone purchases as a Customer or Affiliate, they create an account (limited V-Cloud version without having to pay any membership fee) they can enjoy the personal benefits from our products as well as support the Member that introduced them to Velovita. They have the option to join our V-Fill program (monthly product delivery) and in addition, for every sale made through their replicated e-commerce website, an Affiliate will receive a 20% Customer Referral Bonus based on the BV sold. Customer may participate on the 3 for 1 free as well (customers do not generate Customer Referral Bonus).

When someone purchases as a Guest they can enjoy the personal benefits of our products as well as support the Member that introduced them to Velovita, and, here is no need to create an account.

The Referral Bonus works based on the Enrollee’s current package and the BV from new Member’s entry-level. For instance, If you are an Ambassador member and then enroll new Members at the Ambassador level you would receive a Referral Bonus of 20% of the Purchased BV (the minimum BV to be Ambassador are 800, based on this example you would receive 20% x 800 BV from the new Ambassador member = $160 USD). You must be active to be eligible for this bonus.

To earn the Team Commission, you, as a Member, must become an Associate and then accumulate 400 BV on one side of your Team (leg) and 200 BV on the other side, which constitutes one (1) cycle. Each cycle is worth $30.00 USD, based on your rank, you will have a limit of cycles per week, the higher the rank the higher the limit. You must be active and have at least the rank of Associate to be eligible for this bonus.

As you continue growing with your organization, so does your leadership. To unlock more bonuses you can achieve higher ranks and get more benefits. For example, to hit the Star rank, all that is required is to become an Associate (activate yourself, enroll 1 active Member on your left leg and 1 active Member on your right leg, and have at least 3 customers place an order through your replicated site), have two Associate Members on your Team on each side (this does not mean you need to add 2 new Associate Members every week, you just need at least 2 Associate Members) and cycle 10 times in a single week, all made possible from a collaborative Team Member effort!

This Bonus is based on Team Commissions earned by Members you personally enroll, and then the Members that they personally enroll, up to seven degrees of separation. As you advance in Rank, the percentage and number of levels from which you can earn Royalty Matching bonuses will increase.

Your focus as a valued Velovita Member is to create a strong Customer base and to teach your Team Members how to do the same. As your Members succeed, your Royalty Matching Bonus can increase!

Reach for the Velovita Leadership ranks and unlock the true earning potential of social selling and the Member Rewards plan. You can potentially earn up to $2,500.00 USD on a weekly basis by reaching and maintaining the rank of V-Star (5 Star) which is the highest rank in Velovita. You can begin earning a Lifestyle Bonus at the rank of Star.

Should you become inactive in your business, your accrued BV will be flushed. However, by paying your $49.95 USD annual fee and purchasing or selling one box of product, you will reactivate your business and your highest entry-level achieved will remain.

Quarterly Partnership Bonus, at the rank of V-Star, will qualify you to receive shares of a partnership pool of 1% of Velovita’s GLOBAL volume each quarter! You only need to qualify 6 times in the 12-week period for this exclusive Member Reward. Your share will be determined by your total commissions earned during the 12-week period compared to the total commissions earned by all qualifiers during that same period.

Members who have been active for 5 years or longer, regardless of rank achieved, will be able to retire with no annual renewal or Personal Business Volume (PBV) and continue to receive their commissions per the Member Rewards Plan (please check our compensation plan for full details). We are serious! This is a true retirement package to reward the loyalty and efforts it took you and your Team to make Velovita a household name! We appreciate you and #LOVIT!


There has never been a more opportune time to begin
your new business venture with Velovita.

Together we will work towards your success, visions and dreams.
It is not necessary to start big, but start!

Komentáre vypnuté na Velovita Frequently Asked Questions

Zinzino Frequently Asked Questions

By |2022-10-14T10:32:02+02:0013 októbra, 2022|

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Zinzino





Skin Care

Serum for natural energy boost and clearing brain fog.

Frequently Asked Questions


Together, we are shaping the future of personal nutrition with Swiss, biotech skincare and Scandinavian, scientific supplements. The Zinzino test-based nutrition strategy keeps us healthy and balanced on the inside. Now, we’re able to complement this mission from the outside with skincare products that keep our skin just as balanced and glowing. Together, we’re balancing the whole body, inside and out.

  • We are both pioneers within our respective fields.
  • We are powered by a mutual, visionary, customer-first mindset.
  • Our product portfolios are both characterized by cutting-edge science and natural resources.
  • We are united by a sustainable, holistic approach to personal health and wellness
It will take care of the whole body, inside and out. A life in balance requires a holistic take on personal health. Adding skincare topical nutrition to your test-based personalized nutrition regime will ensure that every organ in your body is performing at its best – including your
skin; the largest of them all
HANZZ+HEIDII is a Swiss biotech skincare brand, with clean beauty products based on natural, vegan and award-winning skincare ingredients suitable for all skin types
HANZZ+HEIDII was co-founded in 2017, in the Swiss town of Alpnach, by the
entrepreneurial druggist and beauty professional, Audrey Goebel. With 25 years in the parfumery, beauty and fashion industries, Audrey made it her mission to translate the unique qualities of nature into nourishing, natural cosmetics tolerated by all skin types, by extracting the healing properties of the plants’ active ingredients. The crystal clear mountain waters, powerful herbs, fresh Swiss mountain air were great sources of inspiration for Audrey Goebel.
HANZZ+HEIDII offers a holistic skincare routine and a pure, multi-sensory spa experience with a complete series of clean beauty products that provide instant and long-term results, for a healthy, balanced and glowing skin
Your skin needs to be taken care of from morning to evening with products that work together. A complete clean beauty routine allows the ingredients to interact in separate layers to maximize the effect on your skin. A simple way to enhance your natural wow, day and night.
  • An intelligent, multifunctional, active vegan formula based on a highly potent, antioxidant blend of plant stem cell extracts from snow algae and edelweiss to naturally strengthen and regenerate the skin deep within.
  • InfraGuard – an innovative active ingredient that neutralizes free radicals and protects cells against infrared light and the blue light from computers and cell phones.
  • An anti-wrinkle peptide complex which relaxes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • High-performance moisturizer complexes based on three different moisturizers with hyaluronic acid and multifunctional natural oils
It means that all of HANZZ+HEIDII ́s products are created without synthetic chemicals and ingredients that could harm your body or irritate your skin.
We are vegan (manufacturer’s guarantee) and have our own certificate on the package.
No. They are all cruelty-free and not tested on animals at any point during manufacturing, nor were any ingredients taken from an animal at the expense of its health. NO. At HANZZ +HEIDII, we emphasize the responsible and nature-friendly development and manufacturing of our products. This, of course, includes that no animal testing was carried out for HANZZ+HEIDII products by us or on our behalf.
Yes. Thanks to the complex, intelligent formula that intuitively adapts to any unique conditions of the skin, the products are suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone complexions.

All natural, active ingredients are rigorously sourced, vegan and free from irritating, harmful and questionable substances that put unnecessary stress on the skin and our environment

All products in the skincare line are purposely anti-aging as they are based on active ingredients that regenerate the skin, reduce wrinkle depth and visibly improve appearance. BOOZT – Beautifying Cellular Serum has the highest concentration of anti-aging ingredients with a visible and lasting, rejuvenating effect
Conventional skincare and cosmetics that use artificial compounds usually only provide simple skin protection. An anti-wrinkle cream may briefly reduce visible wrinkles because the silicones it contains plump up the skin’s surface.

Biotechnological skincare (HH) will reach the deeper layers of the skin, where wrinkles form in the first place. When used regularly, deep-acting creams can reduce skin problems but also have a preventative effect, for example by strengthening the skin barrier.

HANZZ+HEIDII focuses on active ingredient care with small molecule biomimetic ingredients that provide precise treatment of aesthetic problems. Wrinkles, age spots, light-related skin ageing, or acne can be alleviated by repairing substances that penetrate deeper into the skin and have a targeted effect on cell regulation and skin regeneration.

The products were launched on the European market in 2018
This full skincare line features 10 different products of which 8 are made for women, 1 for men that can be used as a 24-hour cream. There is also 1 unisex product for all.
All the products are produced in Switzerland which is why there is a Swiss flag on all packagings
Zinzino’s Skin Serum is a stand-alone product, and not intended as part of a more complete skin routine. The Skin Serum is an ideal option for those who prefer active ingredients that protect, repair, and rebuild the extracellular matrix. The HANZZ+HEIDII serum is part of a more comprehensive, holistic skin routine and offers specific skin support in the areas of increasing skin hydration, and boosting collagen and elastin.
The Skin Serum will remain available for purchase as a stand-alone product. Some people like the simplicity of use, and likewise there are those who find Skin Serum works particularly well with their type of skin
We would encourage you to inform your customers about HANZZ+HEIDII, and the full skincare range that also includes a serum. Inform about the benefits and opportunity to be gained by having a skin routine and let them choose for themselves

The length of time it takes to make the switch depends very much on the individual skin type or current skin condition. For oily skin, for example, the changeover to a natural facial care can take longer, as the skin first has to get used to the fact that the harsh cleansing of the previous products is omitted and it therefore needs less re-oiling.

Dry skin usually benefits very quickly from a switch, as the care is richer and provides additional moisture instead of just sealing the skin. In all cases, however, the changeover is complete after six to eight weeks at the latest and healthier, more beautiful and well-groomed skin is your reward.

However, you should bear in mind that taking medication, a change in diet, psychological problems have an influence or even a hormonal change – for example stopping the contraceptive pill – can also extend the period, as your body must deal with previously unknown hormone doses.

Every person is different and has different reactions to a product. Our products are active and have a high effect.

When the skin absorbs certain substances, complex biological processes are set in motion. The skin needs about three to six weeks to renew its top layer.

The effectiveness of care products depends on various rituals or on the individual lifestyle and must always be considered holistically. A regular application of the care products, a healthy and balanced diet and ample fluid intake (at least 2.5 l of water per day) supports the effectiveness of active care products. How long it takes also depends on the thickness of the skin, the blood circulation, and the skin moisture how the skin absorbs certain active

All HANZZ+HEIDII products contain everything that sensitive skin needs to support the natural skin functions again and at the same time strengthen the skin barrier.

As we work through the specific formulation with natural active ingredients, vitamins, minerals and deliberately light yet nourishing oils in combination with stem cell technology, we activate the skin functions so that the skin can find its natural balance again. Each product can be used for every skin type. The only difference is the oil content in the day care products.

The ENERGIZE Activating Day Cream — Normal to Oily Skin is more for combination skin,
tending to be oily, and the ARIZE Activating Day Cream is more for dry skin, as it is somewhat richer. In addition, aloe vera is included in all products to soothe, balance, and reduce inflammation even in very sensitive or even oily skin.

In the case of couperose, it is also important to protect the skin from sunlight.

For dry and flaky skin, the MAXIMIZE Black Algae Mask can quickly remove the dead skin cells from the top layer of the skin. Afterwards, the skin can absorb a moisturising and active cream much better, such as the ARIZE Activating Day, which is particularly suitable for dry skin.
Our products can also be used for young skin with acne, but we are not a medical acne care and therefore cannot give any healing guarantees. Basically, our care is suitable for all skin types, even for the young customer with combination skin.

For combination skin, we recommend ENERGIZE Activating Day Cream for day care, as it contains slightly fewer oils and is lighter, compared to ARIZE Activating Day Cream, which is much richer. All other products are also suitable for combination skin because our active care ingredients support and activate the skin functions so that the skin can regain its natural balance

Normally, a general acne treatment with, for example, VITALIZE Balancing Foam Softener and ENERGIZE Activating Day Cream — Normal to Oily Skin should show improvement within the first two weeks. However, a visible improvement should have occurred after six weeks at the latest

The snow algae contribute to the reduction of age spots. In addition to snow algae, the effect is enhanced with Vitamin C and the bisabolol Alpha Melight – in ARIZE Activating Day Creme. An effective combination would be BOOZT Beautifying Cellular Serum in combination with ARIZE Activating Day Creme
In the case of skin disease rosaeca and burns, a dermatologist should always be
consulted first
All ingredients in the HANZZ+HEIDII line are vegan and naturally sourced, suitable for all skin types.

The products contain active, biotechnological ingredients of purely plant based origin, obtained through advanced plant stem cell technology. A majority of the key ingredients are from Switzerland and organically certified by BIOCERT, ECOCERT or COSMOCERT.

We use only natural emulsifiers to mix water with oils in our products.

  • Coconut oil
  • Vegetable lithitin
  • Polyglycerol emulsifiers
  • Glycerides of vegetable origin
Essential Evening primrose oil” is considered “pure gold” for healthy and beautiful skin.
That is why it’s added to our Replenishing Night Cream. The natural smell does take some time getting used to for some people
We want to be as smart and sustainable in every aspect of our brand as possible. All HANZZ+HEIDII products are wrapped with sustainable luxury as a motto. Our packaging is made of sustainable paper without cellophane. The bottles are made of glass and their components are made of recyclable PP. The convenient pump bottles are made of exclusive airglass in colors that represent the texture of our skin
At the beginning, the cream won’t flow out of the pump as easily. Simply press the pump carefully a few times until the content is released
The foam bottle has a special foam pump, through which the mild cleansing fluid foams into an extremely delicate cleansing foam. The container is made from recyclable PP.
This is the most important first step of your holistic skincare routine. A cleanser helps to wash off the dirt, makeup, excess oil, dead skin cells, and environmental impurities that end up on your face naturally throughout the day. It will erase impurities, leaving a clean, balanced, refreshed skin.
Using a toner after cleansing your skin helps set the stage for the rest of your skincare routine. It will remove any last traces of dirt, grime and impurities stuck in your pores after you wash your face. Toners will also calm your skin, visibly reduce pores, and keep your skin
refreshed and hydrated
Face serum is full of nutrients and vitamins that give the collagen in your skin a refreshing, firming boost, helping to keep it firm and plumping out fine lines and wrinkles. Fine lines and wrinkles are a normal part of skin maturation, but it is dullness and dryness which makes
them seem aging.
The skin around the eyes is more fragile, more prone to dryness, and quicker to show age and fatigue. Eye cream can rejuvenate this thinner skin and give it a youthful glow, even skin tone while reducing the appearance of dark circles and puffiness. An eye cream is also a great way to prep your makeup, strengthen and protect the under-eye area.
As we age, exfoliation becomes a valuable part of out skincare routine to rejuvenate the skin. The process of cell regeneration slows down, and when old skin cells accumulate, the skin can look dull, rough, and dry. Proper exfoliation removes this barrier of dead skin cells to expose fresh, new cells underneath while preparing the skin for optimal treatment results.
Exfoliate and detoxify your skin as an important foundational base to eliminate toxins through activated bamboo charcoal. Activated charcoal helps cleanse the skin by opening pores and removing oil, dirt and impurities, minerals, and other harmful substances
The ERAZE – Balancing Foam Cleanser is very delicate and wonderfully suitable as a makeup remover without drying out the skin. When removing makeup around the eyes, we recommend you to use a mild oil-based makeup remover, as most of us use waterproof products like mascara, kajal, eye shadow, eyeliner
Snow algae can contribute to the reduction of age spots/pigmentation marks. In addition to snow algae, the effect is enhanced by vitamin C and Bisabolol Alpha Melight – in ARIZE Activating Day Cream. An effective combination would be BOOZT – Beautifying Cellular Serum in combination with ARIZE – Activating Day Cream
Coenzyme Co 10 is an essential vitamin-like nutrient (known as an anti- ageing vitamin), which acts as a free radical scavenger and antioxidant, protecting skin cells and activating the renewal process to help tired, stressed skin recover. As an anti-ageing ingredient, it tightens and smooths dry, sensitive skin. Q10 can minimize the skin’s ageing process, reduce wrinkles and improve the overall visual appearance
Our glycerin is 100% natural in origin and is obtained from vegetable oils.
AMAZE Rejuvenating Fiber Sheet Mask is less suitable for young skin, as it is very activating. Our MAXIMIZE Black Algae Mask is best for sensitive youthful skin and has a cleansing effect.
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Velovita Uüth: Omladenie – Vyzerajte a cíťte sa mladšie

By |2022-09-09T09:07:03+02:006 decembra, 2021|

Velovita Uüth: Omladenie
Vyzerajte a cíťte sa mladšie

Vaša denná dávka života na bunkovej úrovni,
ktorá vám pomôže vyzerať a cítiť sa mladšie ako za posledné roky *

Velovita Uüth: Vyzerajte a cíťte sa mladšie

Velovita Uüth Omladenie

Vyzerajte a cíťte sa mladšie

Uüth obsahuje účinné zložky navrhnuté tak, aby vám pomohli žiť, vyzerať a cítiť sa živšie a mladšie. Uüth vám môže pomôcť vyzerať lepšie ako kedykoľvek predtým. *

Ingrediencie v tomto prémiovom produkte spolupracujú na omladzovaní pokožky zvnútra tým, že poskytujú základné živiny, ktoré podporujú zdravú produkciu kolagénu pre hladkú a hydratovanú pokožku.

Zaslúžite si byť svojim najlepším ja, tak prečo nezačať ešte dnes s týmto revolučným produktom?

Výhody Uüth sú nespočetné. Nielenže budete vyzerať mladšie, ale tiež pomáha zlepšiť pružnosť a pevnosť pokožky a zároveň redukuje vrásky a jemné linky. Má tiež lahodnú chuť!

Po dôslednom používaní uüth po dobu niekoľkých týždňov si všimnete, že vaša pokožka je jasnejšia a hydratovanejšia, vaše vlasy sú pevnejšie a menej náchylné na lámanie a vaše kĺby nie sú také stuhnuté a boľavé. Počas dňa sa tiež budete cítiť energickejšie a sviežejšie.

Uüth je dokonalým riešením pre každého, kto chce vyzerať a cítiť sa energickejšie a žiarivejšie. Zložky spolupracujú synergicky, aby poskytli základné živiny, ktoré podporujú zdravú produkciu kolagénu, zmierňujú zápaly a dodávajú vám energiu, ktorú potrebujete, aby ste sa cítili čo najlepšie. Vyskúšajte uüth ešte dnes a začnite žiť život naplno!

Velovita Uüth benefity

Vyzerajte a cíťte sa mladšie ako za posledné roky

  • Podporuje mladistvejšiu, pevnejšiu pokožku *

  • Dodáva pocit plnosti vlasov *
  • Podporuje zdravie a pevnosť nechtov *
  • Pomáha hydratovať pokožku *
  • Zlepšuje svalový tonus, silu a vytrvalosť *

  • Znižuje škodlivé účinky oxidačného stresu *
  • Silná antioxidačná ochrana *
  • Posilňuje imunitný systém *

Podporuje mladistvejšiu, pevnejšiu pokožku

Podporuje mladistvejšiu, pevnejšiu pokožku

Znižuje viditeľnosť jemných liniek

Znižuje viditeľnosť jemných liniek

Zvyšuje hladinu oxidu dusnatého

Zvyšuje hladinu oxidu dusnatého

Znižuje škodlivé účinky oxidačného stresu

Znižuje škodlivé účinky oxidačného stresu

Zlepšuje svalový tonus, silu a vytrvalosť

Zlepšuje svalový tonus, silu a vytrvalosť

Objednajte si Uüth a zažite vaše krajšie a žiarivejšie JA

Vyzerajte a cíťte sa mladšie

Objednajte si Uüth a zažite vaše krajšie a žiarivejšie JA

4.9/5 - (20 votes)

Velovita Uüth doplňujúce informácie

Odporúčané dávkovanie pre Velovita Uüth: Omladenie:

  • Jemne preložte, priložte k ústam a vytlačte obsah priamo do úst alebo do pohára.
  • Užite 1 dávku denne
  • Pre zachovanie čerstvosti skladujte pri izbovej teplote alebo nižšej. Môže byť v chladničke.
  • Používajte ako samostatný produkt alebo ak chcete dosiahnuť najlepšie výsledky, vezmite si ho v spojení s brān a zlēm pre trojitú hru na úžasný deň!


  • Každé balenie obsahuje 25 sáčkov
  • Jedna dávka obsahuje 15ml produktu Uüth

Pred užitím akéhokoľvek produktu sa poraďte so svojím lekárom obzvlášť ak ste tehotná, dojčíte alebo užívate lieky na predpis.

Velovita Uüth zloženie:

Hydrolyzed Beef Collagen, Aronia Berry Juice Powder, S7TM (Green Coee Bean Extract, Green Tea Extract, Turmeric Extract, Tart Cherry, Blueberry, Broccoli, Kale), NMN (beta-nicotinamide mononucleotide), SOD (as Rosa
Roxburghii Extract), D-Biotin

Ostatné ingrediencie:

Purified Water, Natural Flavor, Citric Acid, Gellan Gum, Xanthan Gum, Rebaudioside M (Stevia Extract), e-Polylysine (preservative)

Zatiaľ čo kolagén prirodzene produkujeme na podporu zdravej pokožky, vlasov, nechtov a kĺbov, naše telá ho v priebehu času vytvárajú menej, len čo dosiahneme 20 rokov. Environmentálne faktory ako je napríklad znečistenie, vystavenie slnku a dokonca aj suchá pokožka môžu tiež prispieť k zníženiu hladiny kolagénu

Je známe, že kolagén podporuje krvný obeh a tiež posilňuje štruktúru nášho spojivového tkaniva, kostí a väzov.

Pravidelná konzumácia kolagénových peptidov môže spomaliť známky starnutia a znížiť suchosť. Vďaka schopnosti kolagénu posilniť našu pokožku viaceré štúdie preukázali zvýšenú hydratáciu, elasticitu a mladistvejší vzhľad.

Uüth obsahuje hovädzí kolagén kŕmený trávou typu 1.
Stojíme za bezpečnosťou a účinnosťou každej zložky a ako vždy za naším výrobným závodom registrovaným FDA a cGMP. V prípade dojčenia alebo tehotenstva vám však odporúčame, aby ste sa poradili so svojím lekárom.
Uüth začína poskytovať výhody už od užitie prvej dávky a skutočne sa pravdepodobne budete cítiť živšie s celkovým pocitom pohody. Odporúčame vám, aby ste sa pred začatím užívania odfotili pri dobrom osvetlení. Potom užívajte Uüth 60-90 dní a následne na to sa opäť odfoťte, aby ste ich porovnali.

Sme si istí, že si všimnete skvelé výhody a #LOVIT!! Uüth bol vyvinutý tak, aby pri dlhodobom používaní poskytoval ešte viac výhod, takže ho pokojne urobte súčasťou vašej každodennej rutiny a neoddeliteľnou súčasťou vašej stratégie vzdorovať neúprosnému času!

Áno, odporúčame však začať len s jednou dávkou Uüth denne.
ÁNO! V skutočnosti môžu byť tieto tri použité nezávisle, ale výsledky sú oveľa lepšie, ak sa vezmú spolu, každý podľa pokynov. S Brān ráno, Zlēm v noci a Uüth popoludní ste pripravení na optimálne výsledky a skvelých 24 hodín!
Stojíme za bezpečnosťou a účinnosťou každej zložky a ako vždy za naším výrobným závodom registrovaným FDA a cGMP. V prípade detí mladších ako 16 rokov však odporúčame, aby ste sa poradili so svojím lekárom a prijali jeho odporúčanie.
Naozaj je. V skutočnosti bol Uüth formulovaný tak, aby pri dlhodobom používaní poskytoval ešte viac výhod, takže neváhajte a urobte z neho súčasť vašej každodennej rutiny a integrálnu súčasť vašej stratégie vzdorovať neúprosnému času!

Velovita Uüth: Omladenie - Vyzerajte a cíťte sa mladšie - Health In Europe

Velovita Uüth je vaša denná dávka života ktorá vám pomôže vyzerať a cítiť sa mladšie ako za posledné roky. Vyzerajte a cíťte sa mladšie.

Product SKU: Uüth

Product Brand: velovita

Product Currency: USD

Product Price: 99.95

Price Valid Until: 2023-01-01

Product In-Stock: InStock

Editor's Rating:

* Tieto výsledky nemusia odrážať výsledky všetkých spotrebiteľov produktov Velovita. Výsledky nie sú zaručené!
Pred užitím akéhokoľvek produktu sa poraďte so svojím lekárom obzvlášť ak ste tehotná, dojčíte alebo užívate lieky na predpis.

Komentáre vypnuté na Velovita Uüth: Omladenie – Vyzerajte a cíťte sa mladšie

Velovita Tuün: Resonate

By |2023-06-11T20:44:48+02:0026 septembra, 2022|

Velovita Tuün: Resonate
Protect from electromagnetic radiation

Designed to help protect your body from electromagnetic radiation
and all other rogue electrosmog swarming around you *

A Biohack Solution For a Health Concern

At the cellular levels, your body is electric. Cells in your body communicate using microscopic electric signaling. This is how your nervous system functions. Slight changes in the polarization of your cells can lead to significant chemical changes in your body.

Velovita Tuün Resonate

Designed to help you stay “finely tuned”

Do you sometimes feel run down? Tired all the time? Aches and pains that never seem to go away? If so, you may be experiencing the effects of electrosmog, and Velovita Tuün can help!

Velovita Tuün is a wearable biohack designed to help your body stay finely tuned, despite the onslaught of EMFs and other stressors that are present almost everywhere in today’s world.

Electronic devices have become a necessary part of life, but they also emit EMFs that can be harmful to the human body. Velovita Tuün contains our proprietary Biohacking Enhancement Technology (B.E.T.), which makes it the most effective way to protect yourself from EMF exposure. Just wear it on your body and let the Velovita Tuün do its job!

Not only will Velovita Tuün help to protect you from the harmful effects of EMFs, but it will also help to increase your energy levels, reduce pain and inflammation, and improve your overall health. Velovita Tuün is the ultimate way to take control of your health and feel your best!

You deserve a detox from the harmful effects of EMFs and other stressors. Velovita Tuün is your solution for feeling healthier and more vibrant. Try Velovita tuün today!

Why Wear Tuün™ RESONATE?

Electronic devices are becoming ever more important in daily life. However, despite making life easier, they may also cause several health problems. Assembled with you in mind, we created an easy wearable solution to help you live a more filtered life in harmony with your electronic devices.

Velovita Tuün Benefits

Patented technology + Field Tested

  • Improves Sleep Quality *
  • Improves Focus and Mood *
  • May Decrease Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Symptoms *

  • Aids in Enhancing Vitality *

  • Helps Reduce Free Radical Damage *
  • May Help Enhance the Sense of Well Being *
  • May Help the Body Fight Off Electromagnetic Pollution *

Aids in Enhancing Vitality

May Help in
Enhancing Vitality

Improves Sleep Quality

Improves Sleep Quality

May Help Enhance the Sense of Well Being

May Help Enhance the Sense of Well Being

May decrease Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Symptoms

May decrease Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Symptoms

Helps Reduce Free Radical Damage

Helps Reduce Free Radical Damage

Improves Focus and Mood

Improves Focus and Mood

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS)

EHS Is a phenomenon characterized by the appearance of symptoms after prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields.

To make matters worse, a large body of research on the effects of electromagnetic radiation has proven that technology is getting increasingly harmful to human health. Just recently, the World Health Organization classified all radiofrequency radiation from mobile devices as a potential class 2B carcinogen.

Heating of body tissues and cells

Heating of body tissues and cells

Increased free radical production in your body

Increased free radical production in your body

Chronic fatigue, headaches, brain fog

Chronic fatigue, headaches, brain fog

Heightened Anxiety


To make matters worse, a large body of research on the effects of electromagnetic radiation has proven that technology is getting increasingly harmful to human health. Just recently, the World Health Organization classified all radiofrequency radiation from mobile devices as a potential class 2B carcinogen.

Living in Harmony With Electronic Devices

There’s so much rogue EMF radiation in today’s world, not the least of which comes from our favorite devices – our cell phones.

As technology takes greater hold, so do the levels of radiation you’re being exposed to every day. According to David O. Carpenter, professor of environmental health sciences at the University at Albany, you are exposed to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000x (1 quintillion) times more radiation than you were ten years ago.

More than an EMF shield pendant, tuün Resonate works to assist with tuning out the chaos while enhancing your overall health & well-being. tuün is assembled with earth-grounding-frequencies and other oxidative reaction reducers to offset the effects of EMF radiation and restore balance to your body.

Living in Harmony With Electronic Devices
Velovita Zlēm: Sleep & Slim - Fall Asleep Faster

Reduce Electromagnetic Fields

Order Tuün to help the body fight off electromagnetic pollution

from $199,95

4.7/5 - (33 votes)

Optimal Wear Tuün Resonate Avoiding The EMF

  • Simply hang the pendant around your neck and wear

  • For the same effect, you can also wear it in your pocket

  • May also be placed under your pillow at night

Velovita Tuün Additional Facts

Instructions for use Tuün Resonate:

  • For optimal results, simply wear your pendant or carry it in your pocket.
  • May also be placed under your pillow at night
  • Consider dedicating at least one device-free room inside your house (not outdoors)


  • Rose Gold
  • Black


  • Each package contains one pedant of your choose.

The statements associated with this product have not been evaluated by any regulatory authority and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. Do not disregard medical pieces of advice you have received or defer in seeking it because of something you have read on our websites. Consult with your doctor or other qualified healthcare providers before undertaking a new treatment, diet, or fitness program

Tuün™ Resonate uses an advanced proprietary combination of frequencies and a mix of infused minerals to dissipate most electromagnetic fields emitted by today’s technology as well as other stressors that increase the oxidation process in your body.
No, simply put your Tuün™ Resonate on and you’re all set!
Tuün™ Resonate contains our BET which is made up of our proprietary combination of frequencies and a matrix of infused minerals. These proprietary components work together to dissipate the effects of electrosmog and other stressors in a harmonious way.
This product is splash-proof, but we advise against submerging it under water.
Absolutely, we recommend everyone in the family to wear one whenever possible. The more, the better.
No, there are no side effects associated with Tuün™ Resonate.
No, Tuün™ Resonate forms a shielding atmosphere of protection, allowing you to stay safe within the radiating chaos. The cutting-edge functionality of this device provides consistent protection without any signal interruption.
Actual prices of all Velovita products you can read here.
You can order Tuün via your sponsor, or in your members panel on or just click to the Shop Tuün button on this page. 
Velovita Uüth: Omladenie - Vyzerajte a cíťte sa mladšie - Health In Europe

Velovita Tuün is assembled with earth-grounding-frequencies and other oxidative reaction reducers to offset the effects of EMF radiation and restore balance to your body.

Product SKU: Tuun

Product Brand: Velovita

Product Currency: USD

Product Price: 199.95

Price Valid Until: 2024-01-01

Product In-Stock: InStock

Editor's Rating:

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* Before taking any dietary supplement you should always consult your health care practitioner if you are using any medications or have any medical conditions.
Velovita advises consulting your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, taking a prescription drug, or have a medical condition.

Komentáre vypnuté na Velovita Tuün: Resonate

How To Order Zinzino Products for Success 2021

By |2021-10-26T20:23:14+02:0023 augusta, 2020|

How To Order Zinzino Products in 2021

Step by step guide how to order Zinzino products as customers with simple way
Retail customers or Zinzino subscribers? Get the products with the same way

How To Order Zinzino Products

Ordering Zinzino products is very easy. You can order Zinzino products as retail customer or as an independent partner / distributor. It’s up to you what option you choose. When ordering products as an Zinzino Independent Partner, except awesome health benefits products you will get a number of other benefits including residual income. Start ordering Zinzino now.

Step By Step Guide How To Order Zinzino Products

  • Each product page on this website contains options to order Zinzino products. Just click to the BUY NOW button anywhere on the website.
  • After clicking you will be redirected to the page where you can order any Ziznino product directly.
  • The system automatically detects the country you come from and to which we should send the products to you.
  • To be sure, check your country in the top left of the displayed page.
  • If the selected country is bad or you want to send the Zinzino products to another country, click on the displayed country on the top left and choose the correct one.
  • You can order and send Zinzino products to any country in the world.
  • From the top menu, select the product you want to order

  • Click on the SHOP NOW button

  • Follow the displayed instructions (choose flavor, quantity or set subscriptions)

  • Click to Add Item To Cart Button

  • If you want to add more products, click on “Continue Shopping

  • When you have finished shopping for Zinzino Products, click on Go to checkout

  • You can return to the shopping cart at any time by clicking on the shopping cart icon at the top right

  • In the checkout page you have to type your shipping address as well as billing information

  • If is everything correct, click to CONTINUE button

  • In the final step review your order

  • Choose the best shipping method for you

  • Pay for the product. At the present you have to use credit card only
  • Click to PLACE YOUR ORDER button

My Zinzino Products are Ordered and Paid. What Now?

As you can see, order Zinzino products is very easy. After a successful payment, the Zinzino team will pack the products for you and send them as soon as possible.

* These results may not reflect the results of all consumers of Zinzino products. The results are not guaranteed! Consult your physician before using any product.
These statements have not been evaluated by the EFSA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Komentáre vypnuté na How To Order Zinzino Products for Success 2021

Zinzino Balance Test: Best Omega 6:3 Ratio Check

By |2023-06-11T20:07:50+02:0027 decembra, 2019|

Zinzino Balance Test
Best Omega 6:3 Ratio Check

Test balance of omega 6 and omega 3 essential acids in your blood.
Examine 11 fatty acids with 98% confidence.

Zinzino BalanceTest - Check Omega 3 Index Score

What is Zinzino Balance Test

Examine 11 fatty acids with 98% confidence

The Zinzino Balance Test is a dried spot test that provides information about the balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential acids in your blood. The test is easy to perform and takes less than a minute. It can be done in the comfort of your own home. With this test you can check 11 essential fatty acids, and therefore it belong to one of the Best Omega 6:3 Ratio Check available for public today,

Dry Blood Drop (DBS) by Zinzino Balance Test

Test balance of omega 6:3 essential acids ratio in your blood

Dry Blood Drop by Zinzino Balance Test

Zinzino Balance Test is one of the Best Omega 6:3 Ratio Check and it’s approved product for the “in vitro” diagnostic of blood sampling at home. It is a simple blood test conducted by the dry blood drop (DBS) method, which provides accurate data on the level of fatty acids that reflect the composition of fats in the diet. The sample analysis process is completely anonymous.

Balance Test is sent to VITAS Analytical Services in Norway. It is an independent laboratory that cooperates with the World Health Organization (WHO) and holds a GMP Good Manufacturing Practice Certificate with 20 years of experience in chromatographic examinations using the latest technology.

This test examines 11 fatty acids found in the blood with 98% confidence. The results are available after about 20 days on the website, which shows the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, body omega-3 content, fatty acid protection profile, etc. From the analysis of blood fatty acid content has been found that this profile is closely related to our health status.

What Fatty Acids Are Tested?

palmitic acid (PA), stearic acid (SA), oleic acid (OA), linoleic acid (LA), alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DHGLA), arachidonic acid (AA), eicosapenataenoic acid (EPA), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Zinzino BalanceTest - Examine 11 fatty acids with 98% confidence

Test Balance of Omega 6:3

Order BalanceTest and examine 11 fatty acids with 98% confidence

from 119,00 €

4.8/5 - (92 votes)

What should the omega 6 to omega 3 ratio be?

There are several independent scientific sources that have different opinions about what the right ratio should be. However, they shall agree that the optimal ratio between omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids should be around 4:1 or less. However, the most people does not take enough Omega 3 rich foods and therefore the average ratio is between 12:1 and 25:1. Although Omega 6 is essential, it is necessary to limit its intake.

  • Good corresponding ratio is 3:1
    Only 5%
    of European people have this ratio on balance
  • Some people have balance ratio 7:1
    25% of those who takes omega-3 supplements have a relatively good ratio

  • Average ratio is 15:1
    75% of people do not take an omega-3 supplement and have an have very bad ratio

Omega 6:3 Balance Ratio

Zinzino Balance Test - Self test of omega 6:3 Ratio Check

Proof of equilibrium in 120 days

VITAS Analytical Services Certified Laboratories have analyzed more than 500,000 Blood samples from Zinzino Balance Tests to create the world’s largest database. The average ratio of Omega 6 and Omega 3 in non-Omega 3 people is 12:1 in Northern Europe, 15:1 across Europe and 25:1 in the US. The more the measured value differs from the optimum 3:1 ratio, the greater the presence of inflammation in our body, endangering our health.

Using Balance Oil for 120 days gives you the right 3:1 ratio, which brings important health benefits.


  • Perform your first Balance Test and start using a daily dose of Zinzino Balance Oil.

  • If the first test finds that the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 in your blood (cell membranes) is 3:1 or less, you will be refunded.

Zinzino Balance Test More Info

How to take the test

  1. BalanceTest is an approved in vitro diagnostics product for personal blood sample collection at home.
    • First wash your hands with soap and rinse well with warm water and dry them.
    • Take out the sample card from the paper envelope.
    • Save the envelope for later use.
    • Tear off the SAVE part on the sample card and take a picture of the Test ID. You can ONLY see YOUR test result with your PERSONAL Test ID. Place the card with the two circles facing up on the table
  2. Use alcohol wipe to clean the tip of your finger (middle finger is recommended).
    • Stimulate blood flow by making big circles with your arm or shaking the hand downwards for 20 seconds. Take out the single-use lancet. Remove the transparent safety cap and the lancet is ready to use.
  3. Place the lancet against the lower part of the fingertip facing the collection paper on the table. Push the top of the lancet against the finger until you hear a click. The lancet will automatically make a small prick in the finger.
  4. Don’t touch the filter paper circles with your hands. Squeeze the finger gently one time and add several, minimum 3, free dripping blood drops to each circle marked on the sample card. The blood should completely fill the inner part of the circles.
  5. Leave the sample card in a horizontal position at room temperature for at least 10 minutes for the samples to dry well.
  6. Insert the sample card back into the paper envelope. Then place the paper envelope into the metal bag and close it.
    • Important: Do not remove the desiccant bag from the metal bag.
  7. Place the closed metal bag into the big envelope with the laboratory address on it. NOTE! You MUST put the correct amount of postage (stamps) on the envelope before you put in the mail box.
  8. To register your Test ID online, visit This is the website where you can see your test results later. It takes 10-20 days until your result are ready.
    • Important: Keep the SAVE part of the card. You can ONLY see YOUR test results on the internet with your PERSONAL Test ID.
What we measure

The test measures 11 fatty acids, including saturated, monounsaturated (Omega-9) and polyunsaturated (Omega-6 and Omega-3) fatty acids. Individual fatty acid values are shown in the table and expressed as percentages of the total fatty acids measured. For comparison in the table, the average range for each fatty acid (based on data obtained from a large group of balanced people) is presented as Target Value. The following fatty acids are measured:

Palmitic acid, C16:0, saturated fat
Stearic acid, C18:0, saturated fat
Oleic acid, C18:1, Omega-9
Linoleic acid, C18:2, Omega-6
Alpha-linolenic acid, C18:3, Omega-3
Gamma-linolenic acid, C18:3, Omega-6
Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid, C20:3, Omega-6
Arachidonic acid (AA), C20:4, Omega-6
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), C20:5, Omega-3
Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), C22:5, Omega-3
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), C22:6, Omega-3

Certified test kit
The Zinzino Dried Blood Spot Test is certified to comply with the European regulation 98/79/EB on in vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical devices. This means the test and all its components are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and so the Kit has the CE mark on it.

This is how your results are calculated
11 fatty acids are analyzed and the total sum of their amounts is  considered 100%. For the following 6 values, we use 7 of the fatty acids. The analyzed amount of each of the 7 fatty acids is calculated as a percentage out of the 100%.
1. Omega-3 Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
2. Omega-3 Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
3. Omega-3 Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA)
4. Omega-6 Arachidonic acid (AA)
5. Omega-6 Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA)
6. Saturated fat, Palmitic acid (PA)
7. Saturated fat, Stearic acid (SA)

Protection value
First, the following 3 recognized health indicators are calculated:
1. The value for the Omega-6 ratio is calculated like this: (DGLA+AA) * 100 / (DGLA+AA+EPA+DPA+DHA)
2. The value for the Omega-3 level is the sum of EPA+DHA
3. The Balance value is calculated as Omega-6 (AA) / Omega-3 (EPA)
Each indicator value is given the same weight in a second calculation and assigned a value between 0 and 100, which is then divided by 3 to get the Protection Value that ideally should be above 90. This does not tell anything about the health status of the person, only the fatty acid protection level.
Note: EPA and DHA values have a high impact on all the calculations and if EPA and DHA percentages are low, then as a result very low or even zero Protection Values are not uncommon.

Omega-3 Index
The Omega-3 Index is the summary of the percentage values for the two marine Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. The ideal combined level is at least 8%, but higher values like 10% are desirable. Omega-3’s have many benefits because they are the primary building blocks in your cells. EPA is dominant in the blood, muscles and tissues, while DHA is dominant in the brain, sperm and eyes.

Omega-6:3 Balance
The balance is calculated by dividing the percent value of AA with the percent value of EPA (AA / EPA), which is then expressed as a Balance value, for example 3:1. The Omega-6:3 Balance in the body should preferably be below 3:1. If this ratio is above 3:1, you will benefit from a change in your diet. A low balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 is important for maintaining normal cell and tissue development (homeostasis) and help the  body control inflammation.

Cell membrane fluidity
Fluidity is calculated by dividing the percent value of the two saturated fats with the percent value of the two Omega-3’s. The fluidity value is thus defined as (PA+SA) / (EPA+DHA), and the result is expressed as a fluidity index, for example 3:1. If the fluidity value  is below 4:1, it shows that there is sufficient fluidity in cell membranes. The more saturated the fats are in a membrane, the more rigid is the membrane. Conversely, the more polyunsaturated the fats are in a membrane, the more fluid is the membrane. Cell membrane composition and structural architecture is critical for the health of the cells and hence the body. On the one hand, the membrane needs to be rigid enough to provide sound cellular structural architecture. On the other hand, the membrane needs to be fluid enough to allow nutrients in and waste products out.

Mental strength
This is calculated by dividing the percent value of AA with the sum of the percent values of EPA and DHA, i.e. the Mental Strength value = AA / (EPA+DHA). The result is expressed as a mental strength value, for example 1:1. The value should be below 1:1 for sufficient and balanced supply of both Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids to the brain and the nervous system. Cognitive performance improves with increased consumption of marine Omega-3’s EPA and DHA. Childhood and old age are two critical and vulnerable stages and Omega-3 deficiency is associated with learning and memory deficits, as well as mood problems.

Arachidonic acid (AA) index
The AA Index shows the measured value of the Omega-6 fatty acid Arachidonic acid (AA) as a percentage out of the total fatty acids measured. Good average values are in the range of 6.5 to 9.5% with an optimum target value of 8.3%. Arachidonic acid (AA) is the most important Omega-6 fatty acid for the body. It is the starting point for the production of local tissue hormones triggered by Omega-6, such as prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes, all with various functions. The overall function is, however, to protect the body from damage by limiting the progression of the infection or the impact of the injury.

Velovita Uüth: Omladenie - Vyzerajte a cíťte sa mladšie - Health In Europe

Independent check of your ratio between Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids with Zinzino Balance Test. Examine 11 fatty acids in the blood with 98% confidence

Product SKU: BalanceTest

Product Brand: Zinzino

Product Currency: EUR

Product Price: 119

Price Valid Until: 2024-01-01

Product In-Stock: InStock

Editor's Rating:

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Reduce Tiredness and Fatigue

Ask Our Community

Do you have a question and did not find what you needed?
We are in the same boat together on the road to the successful life.

* These results may not reflect the results of all consumers of Zinzino products. The results are not guaranteed! Consult your physician before using any product.
These statements have not been evaluated by the EFSA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Komentáre vypnuté na Zinzino Balance Test: Best Omega 6:3 Ratio Check

Velovita Zlēm: Chudnite počas noci – Zaspávajte rýchlejšie

By |2021-12-25T12:14:10+02:004 októbra, 2021|

Velovita Zlēm: Spánok a štíhlosť
Zaspávajte rýchlejšie

Pokojný spánok, počas ktorého sa vaše telo zbaví nežiaduceho telesného tuku. *
Užite si dobrý nočný spánok a omladené rána. *

Velovita Zlēm: Chudnite počas noci - Zaspávajte rýchlejšie

Velovita Zlēm Spánok a štíhlosť

Zaspávajte rýchlejšie

Velovita Zlēm je lahodný a prírodný doplnok, ktorý vyrieši viacero zdravotných problémov naraz! Pomáha vám upadnúť do hlbokého spánku a zároveň podporuje vaše telo pri obnove a udržiavaní holistického a zdravého stavu. *

Je vyrobený z čisto prírodných ingrediencií, vrátane extraktu z listov Senna, prášku z brusníc, extraktu z koreňa Ashwagandha a ďalších. Tieto zložky sú známe svojou schopnosťou podporovať relaxáciu a zlepšovať spánok. *

Zlēm je jedinečná zmes pokročilých biohackingových zložiek, ktoré pomáhajú pri obnove vášho tela do sviežeho a zdravého stavu.* Obe fázy prirodzene pomáhajú pri hlbokej relaxácii a zdravej regulácii hmotnosti tým, že poskytujú mnohé z výhod náročného cvičenia počas spánku.

  • Fáza 1 pomáha vášmu telu eliminovať toxíny a prináša sviežejšie rána *
  • Fáza 2 prináša energickejšie rána, zdravý vyvážený stav, robustný imunitný systém a noc zdravšieho hlbokého spánku *

Získajte Zlēm ešte dnes a zajtra sa začnite cítiť lepšie! Jednoducho si ho užite 30 minút pred spaním a užite si hlboký, pokojný spánok, kým sa vaše telo zbaví nežiaduceho telesného tuku *.

Velovita Zlēm benefity

Pokojný spánok, počas ktorého sa vaše telo zbaví nežiaduceho telesného tuku *

  • Podporuje omladené rána *
  • Môže pomôcť vyrovnať hladinu serotonínu *

  • Zlepšuje kvalitu spánku *

  • Pomáha s rýchlejším zaspávaním *

  • Môže pomôcť utlmiť stres *
  • Zlepšuje nočnú obnovu *
  • Podporuje zdravú reguláciu hmotnosti *

  • Prírodný nootropický produkt *

Podporuje omladené rána

Podporuje omladené rána

Podporuje zdravú reguláciu hmotnosti

Podporuje zdravú reguláciu hmotnosti

Môže vyrovnávať hladiny serotonínu

Môže vyrovnávať hladinu serotonínu

Môže pomôcť vypnúť ciferník stresu

Môže pomôcť utlmiť stres

Zlepšuje kvalitu spánku

Zlepšuje kvalitu spánku

Zlepšuje nočnú obnovu

Zlepšuje nočnú obnovu

Velovita Zlēm: Chudnite počas noci - Zaspávajte rýchlejšie

Zaspávajte rýchlejšie

Objednajte si Zlēm a užite si kvalitný spánok a omladené rána

4.9/5 - (16 votes)

Velovita Zlēm doplňujúce informácie

Odporúčané dávkovanie pre Velovita Zlēm: Spánok a štíhlosť:

  • Užite 1 dávku denne
  • Prvých 7 dní užívajte fázu 1
  • Zvyšných 18 dní užívajte fázu 2
  • Pre najlepšie výsledky je vhodné produkt užiť 30 minút pred spánkom


  • Každé balenie obsahuje: 7 dávok pre fázu 1 a 18 dávok pre fázu 2
  • Spolu získate 25 dávok
  • Jedna dávka obsahuje 15ml produktu Zlem

Pred užitím akéhokoľvek produktu sa poraďte so svojím lekárom obzvlášť ak ste tehotná, dojčíte alebo užívate lieky na predpis.

Velovita Zlēm zloženie Fáza 1:

GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid), MitoBurn™ (L-B-Aminoisobutyric Acid), Senna Leaf Extract, L-Theanine, Cranberry Fruit Powder, Milk Thistle Extract, Ashwagandha Root Extract, Papain (Carica Papaya Extract), Organic Dandelion Root Extract, Organic Artichoke Extract, Lemon Balm Extract, Ginger Root Powder, Enzyme Blend (Amylase, Cellulase, Invertase, Papain, Protease, Lactase, Bromelain, Lipase, Maltase), Passion Flower Extract, Hops Flower Extract, Marshmallow Root Extract, Black Pepper Extract

Velovita Zlēm zloženie Fáza 2:

L-Citrulline, GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid), MitoBurn™ (L-B-Aminoisobutyric Acid), Green Tea (leaf) Extract, L-Theanine, Cranberry Fruit Powder, Beet Root Powder, Organic Artichoke Extract, Apple Cider Vinegar, Milk Thistle Extract, Papain (Carica Papaya Extract), Organic Dandelion Root Extract, Ashwagandha Root Extract, Enzyme Blend (Amylase, Cellulase, Invertase, Papain, Protease, Lactase, Bromelain, Lipase, Maltase), Lemon Balm Extract, Passion Flower Extract, Marshmallow Root Extract

Zlēm je navrhnutý tak, aby vám pomohol zdravšie spať. Zložky, ktoré pomáhajú pri odbúravaní tukov, sú revolučné v tom, že nie sú stimulujúce, takže by ste nemali mať problémy so spánkom.
Zlēm je revolučný v tom, že napomáha zdravému riadeniu hmotnosti viacerými spôsobmi, pričom rieši niekoľko hlavných príčin nezdravej hmotnosti, a to všetko počas spánku. Neobsahuje žiadne stimulanty. Je navrhnutý tak, aby vám pomohol dosiahnuť pokojný spánok. Vďaka tomu je Zlēm jedinečný.
Stojíme za bezpečnosťou a účinnosťou každej zložky a ako vždy za naším výrobným závodom registrovaným FDA a cGMP. V prípade dojčenia alebo tehotenstva vám však odporúčame, aby ste sa poradili so svojím ošetrujúcich lekárom a prijali jeho odporúčanie.
Jediná vec, ktorú treba spomenúť, je, že počas prvej fázy je čistenie dosť dôkladné, takže môžete pociťovať mierne kŕče. V tejto prvej fáze produkt plní dôležitú úlohu a trvá len 7 dní. Buďte si istí, že produkt je bezpečný, ale ak je čistenie príliš intenzívne, môžete ho znížiť na polovicu dávky denne.
Pri oboch fázach je to rovnaké. Odporúčame vám užívať iba jednú porciu denne a to pred spaním.
ÁNO! V skutočnosti sa tieto dva môžu používať nezávisle, avšak výsledky sú oveľa lepšie, ak sa spoja oba produkty dokopy. S produktom Zlēm v noci a v produktom Brān ráno ste pripravení na optimálne výsledky počas celého dňa. A bude to úžasné.
Stojíme za bezpečnosťou a účinnosťou každej zložky a ako vždy za naším výrobným závodom registrovaným FDA a cGMP. V prípade detí mladších ako 16 rokov však odporúčame, aby ste sa poradili so svojím lekárom a prijali jeho odporúčanie.
Velovita Uüth: Omladenie - Vyzerajte a cíťte sa mladšie - Health In Europe

Velovita Zlēm je prírodné zloženie navrhnuté tak, aby vám pomohlo rýchlejšie zaspať a spáliť uložené telesné tuky počas nočnej obnovy.

Product SKU: Zlēm

Product Brand: Velovita

Product Currency: USD

Product Price: 89.95

Price Valid Until: 2022-12-31

Product In-Stock: InStock

Editor's Rating:

* Tieto výsledky nemusia odrážať výsledky všetkých spotrebiteľov produktov Velovita. Výsledky nie sú zaručené!
Pred užitím akéhokoľvek produktu sa poraďte so svojím lekárom obzvlášť ak ste tehotná, dojčíte alebo užívate lieky na predpis.

Komentáre vypnuté na Velovita Zlēm: Chudnite počas noci – Zaspávajte rýchlejšie

Zinzino Essent+ Premium Boost Heart, Brain, Immune (Nov 2022)

By |2023-06-11T19:48:06+02:0019 augusta, 2022|

Zinzino Essent+ Premium
Boost Heart, Brain, Immune

Safely increase your Omega-6:3 balance and maintain excellent levels as
you protect your cells from harmful oxidation *

Zinzino Essent+ Premium Boost Heart, Brain, Immune

What is Zinzino Essent+

Enhanced cardiovascular and brain function from the natural fish oil

The Zinzino Essent+ Premium is your ultimate supplement for enjoying heightened levels of effective and efficient absorption and protection of blood lipids. Including several softgels into your daily routine will help you safely increase your Omega-6:3 balance and maintain excellent levels as you protect your cells from harmful oxidation.

With Essent+ you acquire a rich package of bioactive phytonutrients and polyphenols derived from cocoa powder, olive fruit extract, and Zinzino R.E.V.O.O extra virgin olive oil with potent antioxidant capacity. Additionally, the product contains high concentrations of healthy natural fish oils richly stocked with the Omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA.

How Is This Possible With Zinzino Essent?

The Zinzino Essent+ Premium supplement offers the perfect harmony of fish and olive oil, offering the Mediterranean goodness of our revolutionary extra virgin olive oil and enhanced cardiovascular and brain function from the natural fish oil concentrate.

You will enjoy boosted levels of immunity and increased physical and mental performance, giving you a wholesome, healthier life. Protect your cells from harmful oxidation

Enjoy Immense Benefits Of Zinzino Essent Such As:

  • Normal heart function and improved cardiovascular health *

  • Healthy and enhanced eye function *

  • Well-maintained blood pressure and triglyceride levels *

  • Improved brain function from the high levels of DHA Omega-3 fatty acids *

  • Healthy muscles, bones, cells, and teeth due to high vitamin D3.

Restore Body’s Fatty Acids Balance

Essent can finally protect your cells from harmful oxidation
Support normal heart and brain function

Search: CDIP Vorbereitung 🚚 CDIP Kostenlos Downloden 🧘 CDIP Prüfungs-Guide 🦛 Suchen Sie auf der Webseite ➡ ️⬅️ nach ☀ CDIP ️☀️ und laden Sie es kostenlos herunter 🧳CDIP Online Prüfungen

Zinzino Essent+ Benefits

Boosted levels of immunity and increased physical and mental performance,
giving you a wholesome, healthier life *

  • Helps maintain optimal Omega-6:3 levels in your body*
  • Helps maintain good levels of EPA and DHA in your body*
  • Contributes to healthy bones, muscles, teeth and cells *
  • Helps maintain triglyceride and blood pressure levels *
  • Supports healthy and normal eye function *
  • Contributes to normal immune function *
  • Contributes to normal brain function *
  • Contributes to normal heart function *
  • Contributes to the protection of blood lipids from oxidative damage *
  • Helps protect blood lipids from oxidative stress *

Zinzino Essent+ protect your cells from harmful oxidation*

Boost Your Heart, Brain, Immune

Order Essent+ and protect your cells from harmful oxidation*

from 45,00 €

4.8/5 - (81 votes)

Zinzino Essent+ Supplement Facts

Zinzino Essent + Protect your cells Suggested Use:

  • Take 1 gelatine capsule per approx. 30 kg body weight.
  • Adjust serving size according to body weight. Adults with a body weight of 50-60 kg: 2 gelatine capsules per day.
  • Adults with a body weight of 80-90 kg: 3 gelatine capsules per day.
  • Maximum 5 gelatine capsules per day.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Dry and at room temperature. Keep out of reach for children. The shelf life is 3 years if stored in an unopened packaging.

Each box contains 60 tablets, total net weight 45 g.

Food supplements are not intended as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6.

Keep this product out of the reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control immediately. A doctor should be consulted before pregnant women or children takes Xtend+.

Zinzino Essent + Protect your cells Suggested Use:

  • Take 1 gelatine capsule per approx. 30 kg body weight.
  • Adjust serving size according to body weight. Adults with a body weight of 50-60 kg: 2 gelatine capsules per day.
  • Adults with a body weight of 80-90 kg: 3 gelatine capsules per day.
  • Maximum 5 gelatine capsules per day.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Dry and at room temperature. Keep out of reach for children. The shelf life is 3 years if stored in an unopened packaging.

Each box contains 60 tablets, total net weight 45 g.

Food supplements are not intended as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6.

Keep this product out of the reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control immediately. A doctor should be consulted before pregnant women or children takes Xtend+.

Essent + Supplement Ingredients:
Fish oils*, capsule shell (fish gelatine, glycerol), cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, thickener (beeswax), cocoa seed powder, emulsifier (sunflower lecithin, olive fruit extract (Olea europaea)), vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).

Zinzino Essent+ Supplement Facts

    Cacao powder from defatted cocoa seeds contains high amounts of polyphenols, particularly a sub-class known as flavanols with nutritional benefits. A daily dose of 3 softgel capsules provides 17.9 mg of polyphenols.
    The hydroxytyrosol in Essent+ Premium is a 100% natural extract obtained by cold-pressing olive fruits, followed by water-based extraction. Hydroxytyrosol is the major phenolic compound found in olives and is considered to provide most of the health benefits of both the olive fruit and extra virgin olive oil. Hydroxytyrosol supports blood lipid maintenance and protects essential Omega fatty acids.
    The softgel capsules are made of high-grade pharmaceutical fish gelatin derived from fish skin and are free from any artificial colors
    Essent+ Premium capsules are made with extra virgin olive oil from a patented production process that gives us the proprietary R.E.V.O.O from certified Koroneiki olives with unparalleled levels of polyphenols, oleic acid, several phytonutrients and more. In fact, R.E.V.O.O is up to 30 times higher in polyphenols than standard extra virgin olive oils. Its richness in Omega-9 (Oleic acid) is another important feature, which actively supports the normalization of blood lipid levels.

    It is a high premium component and individually retails at $ 115.00 per 250 ml.

Velovita Uüth: Omladenie - Vyzerajte a cíťte sa mladšie - Health In Europe

Zinzino Essent+ Premium safely increase your Omega-6:3 balance and maintain excellent levels as you protect your cells from harmful oxidation *

Product SKU: Essent+

Product Brand: Zinzino

Product Currency: Eur

Product Price: 45

Price Valid Until: 2024-01-01

Product In-Stock: InStock

Editor's Rating:

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Balance Oil+

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Natural Cell Division Support

Zinzino ZinoShine+


Reduce Tiredness and Fatigue

Zinzino ZinoBiotic+


Omega 3 Fatty Acids Source

Ask Our Community

Do you have a question and did not find what you needed?
We are in the same boat together on the road to the successful life.

* These results may not reflect the results of all consumers of Zinzino products. The results are not guaranteed! Consult your physician before using any product.
These statements have not been evaluated by the EFSA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Komentáre vypnuté na Zinzino Essent+ Premium Boost Heart, Brain, Immune (Nov 2022)

Velovita Zlēm: Sleep & Slim – Fall Asleep Faster (Oct 2022)

By |2023-06-11T20:45:55+02:0015 septembra, 2021|

Velovita Zlēm: Sleep & Slim
Fall Asleep Faster

Restful sleep while your body gets rid of unwanted body fat. *
njoy a good night’s sleep and a rejuvenated mornings. *

Velovita Zlēm: Sleep & Slim - Fall Asleep Faster

Velovita Zlēm Sleep & Slim

Fall Asleep Faster With Weight Loss Support

Velovita Zlēm is a delicious and natural supplement that will solve multiple health problems at once! It assists in helping you fall into a deep sleep while also supporting your body in renewing and maintaining healthy weight loss *

It’s made of all-natural ingredients, including Senna Leaf Extract, Cranberry Fruit Powder, Ashwagandha Root Extract, and more. These ingredients are known for their ability to promote relaxation and improve sleep. *

Zlēm snaps is a unique blend of advanced biohacking ingredients that aid in restoring your body into a refreshed and healthy state.* Both stages naturally assist in deep relaxation and healthy weight management by providing much of the benefits of rigorous exercise while you sleep. On other words, you can lose weight during your sleep.

  • Stage 1 helps your body eliminate toxins, and brings lighter brighter mornings *
  • Stage 2 continues to deliver more energized mornings, a healthy balanced state, robust immune system, and a night of more sound deep sleep *

Get Zlēm today and start feeling better tomorrow! Simply take it 30 minutes before bedtime and enjoy deep, restful sleep while your body gets rid of unwanted body fat *.

 Cutting Edge Restful Sleep

Zlēm is a unique formula consisting of more than 20 active ingredients.
It is designed to help you fall asleep faster with burn stored fats during your nighttime renewal.

Velovita Zlēm: Sleep & Slim - Fall Asleep Faster

Velovita Zlēm Benefits

Restful sleep while your body gets rid of unwanted body fat *

  • Supports Rejuvenated Mornings *
  • May Balance Serotonin Levels *
  • Improves Sleep Quality *
  • Helps fall asleep faster *
  • May Help Turn Down the Dial on Stress *
  • Enhances Nighttime Renewal *
  • Supports Healthy Weight Management *
  • Natural Nootropic Product *

  • Gets rid of unwanted body fat *

Supports Rejuvenated Mornings

Supports Rejuvenated Mornings

Supports Healthy Weight Management

Supports Healthy Weight Management

May Balance Serotonin Levels

May Balance Serotonin Levels

May Help Turn Down the Dial on Stress

May Help Turn Down the Dial on Stress

Improves Sleep Quality

Improves Sleep Quality

Enhances Nighttime Renewal

Enhances Nighttime Renewal

Zlem Sleep and Slim Stage 1

Stage 1

With its powerful cleansing effects, Stage 1 helps the body eliminate toxins. Enjoy Stage 1 for your first 7 days while your body begins to process and prepare for Stage 2.

  • Fall asleep with ease
  • Detox process
  • Continued sound sleep
  • Brighter mornings
Zlem Sleep and Slim Stage 2

Stage 2

Continues to deliver more energized mornings, a healthy balanced state, robust immune system, and a night of more sound, deep sleep. Enjoy rejuvenated mornings.

  • Relax
  • Renew
  • Rebalance
  • Revive
Velovita Zlēm: Sleep & Slim - Fall Asleep Faster

Fall Asleep Faster

Order Zlēm snaps and enjoy a good night’s sleep and a rejuvenated mornings


4.7/5 - (122 votes)

Velovita Zlēm Supplement Facts

Suggested dosage of Velovita Zlēm: Sleep & Slim:

  • Take 1 per day
  • Take Stage 1 for the first 7 days
  • Then Stage 2 for the remainder of the box
  • For best results, take 30 minutes prior to bedtime


  • Each package contains 7 Snaps for Stage 1 and 18 Snaps for Stage 2
  • Together you will get 25 servings
  • One serving contain 15ml of Zlem

Before taking any dietary supplement you should always consult your health care practitioner if you are using any medications or have any medical conditions. Please consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing or taking a prescription drug, or have a medical condition.

Velovita Zlēm Ingredients in Stage 1:


GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid), MitoBurn™ (L-B-Aminoisobutyric Acid), Senna Leaf Extract, L-Theanine, Cranberry Fruit Powder, Milk Thistle Extract, Ashwagandha Root Extract, Papain (Carica Papaya Extract), Organic Dandelion Root Extract, Organic Artichoke Extract, Lemon Balm Extract, Ginger Root Powder, Enzyme Blend (Amylase, Cellulase, Invertase, Papain, Protease, Lactase, Bromelain, Lipase, Maltase), Passion Flower Extract, Hops Flower Extract, Marshmallow Root Extract, Black Pepper Extract

Velovita Zlēm Ingredients in Stage 2:

L-Citrulline, GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid), MitoBurn™ (L-B-Aminoisobutyric Acid), Green Tea (leaf) Extract, L-Theanine, Cranberry Fruit Powder, Beet Root Powder, Organic Artichoke Extract, Apple Cider Vinegar, Milk Thistle Extract, Papain (Carica Papaya Extract), Organic Dandelion Root Extract, Ashwagandha Root Extract, Enzyme Blend (Amylase, Cellulase, Invertase, Papain, Protease, Lactase, Bromelain, Lipase, Maltase), Lemon Balm Extract, Passion Flower Extract, Marshmallow Root Extract


    STAGE 1:
    Purified Water, Natural Flavor, Sea Salt, e-Polylysine (preservative), Rebaudioside M (Stevia extract)
    STAGE 2:
    Purified Water, Erythritol, Natural Flavor, Rebaudioside A (Stevia extract), Malic Acid, e-Polylysine (preservative), Rebaudioside M (Stevia extract)
    STAGE 1:
    Sorbitol, Purified Water, Natural Flavors, Citric Acid, Lecithin, Sea Salt, e-Polylysine (preservative), Rebaudioside M (Stevia Extract)
    STAGE 2:
    Purified Water, Sorbitol, Erythritol, Maltodextrin (Tapioca), Natural Flavors, Malic Acid, Rebaudioside A (Stevia Extract), e-Polylysine (preservative), Rebaudioside M (Stevia Extract)

Full list of Velovita ingredients and benefits

Velovita Zlēm Ingredients in Stage 2:

Velovita Zlēm Ingredients in Stage 1:

Zlēm is designed to help you sleep more soundly. The ingredients that help with fat loss are revolutionary in that they are non-stimulant so you should not experience any problems with sleeping.
Zlēm is revolutionary in that it aids healthy weight management in multiple ways, addressing several of the main causes of unhealthy weight, all while you sleep. There are no stimulants. It is designed to help you to get a restful sleep. This makes Zlēm unique.
We stand behind the safety and efficacy of every ingredient and as always, behind our FDA registered and cGMP manufacturing facility. However, in the case of nursing or pregnancy, we suggest you check with your doctor and take their recommendation.
The only thing to mention is that during stage one, the cleansing is quite thorough so you may experience some slight cramping. That is the product doing its very important work and why stage 1 is only 7 days. Rest assured the product is safe but if the cleansing is too intense, you can back it down to half a serving per day.
We recommend you take only one stage 1 per day for the first 7 days of each box, before bedtime. Then we recommend only one stage 2 per day for the rest of the box, before bedtime.
YES! Actually the two can be used independently, but the results are that much better if taken together, each as directed. With Zlēm at night and Brān in the morning, you are set up for optimal results and 24 hours a day of AWESOME!
Zlēm is formulated so that your body gets into a position where you can get a deep and restful sleep. In this condition, your body can significantly reduce stress, making you feel lighter and rejuvenating. Can Zlēm help lose weight? Yes, he certainly can. However, it should be borne in mind that every different body and not every consumer will have the same results.
Zlēm serum contains a unique mix of advanced biohacking substances that help restore the body to a new & healthy state.
RECOMMENDED USE: Take once a day. First 7 days take Phase 1, remaining days take Phase 2. For best results, take 30 minutes prior to bedtime.
Velovita Uüth: Omladenie - Vyzerajte a cíťte sa mladšie - Health In Europe

Velovita Zlēm provides restful sleep while your body gets rid of unwanted body fat. Enjoy a good night's sleep and a rejuvenated mornings.

Product SKU: Zlēm

Product Brand: Velovita

Product Currency: USD

Product Price: 89.95

Price Valid Until: 2023-01-01

Product In-Stock: InStock

Editor's Rating:

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* Before taking any dietary supplement you should always consult your health care practitioner if you are using any medications or have any medical conditions.
Velovita advises consulting your physician if you are pregnant, nursing, taking a prescription drug, or have a medical condition.

Komentáre vypnuté na Velovita Zlēm: Sleep & Slim – Fall Asleep Faster (Oct 2022)

Velovita Produkty: Pozoruhodné výsledky

By |2022-09-06T12:38:26+02:002 októbra, 2021|

Velovita Produkty
Pozoruhodné výsledky

Všetko, čo potrebujete, aby ste sa cítili lepšie, vyzerali lepšie, lepšie spali a podávali lepší výkon.
Špičkové biohackingové riešenia.

Velovita Produkty

Energia | Sústredenie | Spánok | Omladenie | Chudnutie

V priebehu rokov sme sa naučili, že tablety sú ťažko stráviteľné a gélové kapsuly majú lepšiu biologickú dostupnosť, keď sú spracované cez črevný biom. Dnes používame nanočastice v nutraceutikách ako ďalšiu generáciu zdravia a biohackingu pre rozpustnosť, stabilitu a zlepšenú mieru absorpcie.

To je dôvod, prečo vedci z Velovita vytvorili patentovanú formuláciu na zlepšenie odozvy tela na naše sérum bohaté na živiny, ktoré pôsobí rýchlo a dodáva energiu do vášho mozgu, takže sa môžete okamžite vrátiť k životu!

Velovita Brān: Naštartujte svoj mozog

Velovita Brān Reimagined

Naštartujte svoj mozog

Brāno pomáha poskytnúť okamžitú dávku energie bez akéhokoľvek chvenia alebo pádov, takže sa môžete sústrediť na to, na čom najviac záleží – na vaše pracovné a životné ciele *

  • Zvyšuje duševnú energiu *
  • Okamžité duševné a fyzické posilnenie *
  • Podporuje pozitívne myslenie *
  • Zvyšuje duševnú výkonnosť *
  • Zlepšuje sústredenie a bdelosť *

Velovita Zlēm Chudnite počas noci

Zaspávajte rýchlejšie

Zlēm je lahodný a prírodný doplnok, ktorý vám pomáha upadnúť do hlbokého spánku a zároveň podporuje nočnú obnovu vášho tela *

  • Podporuje omladené rána *
  • Zlepšuje kvalitu spánku *
  • Pomáha rýchlejšie zaspať *
  • Podporuje zdravú reguláciu hmotnosti *
  • Zlepšuje nočnú obnovu *
Velovita Zlēm: Zaspávajte rýchlejšie
Velovita Uüth: Omladenie - Vyzerajte a cíťte sa mladšie

Velovita Uüth Omladenie

Vyzerajte a cíťte sa mladšie

Velovita Uüth obsahuje účinné zložky navrhnuté tak, aby vám pomohli žiť, vyzerať a cítiť sa živšie a mladšie. Uüth vám môže pomôcť vyzerať lepšie ako kedykoľvek predtým.

  • Podporuje mladistvejšiu a pevnejšiu pokožku *

  • Znižuje vzhľad jemných liniek *
  • Zlepšuje svalový tonus, silu a vytrvalosť *
  • Znižuje škodlivé účinky oxidačného stresu *

Velovita Plôs Thermo

Podpora zníženia chuti do jedla

Plôs je nemliečna smotana, ktorú budete radi pridávať na pomoc pri dosahovaní cieľov v oblasti kondície a stavby tela.

  • Zabráňuje alergiám a citlivým reakciám na mlieko *

  • Zlepšuje zdravé trávenie *

  • Pomáha rozvíjať silnejšie kosti *
  • Prispieva k chudnutiu *

Velovita Plôs: Thermo - Podpora zníženia chuti do jedla

Zamerajte sa na svoje zdravie

Užite si svoj život plný zdravia a finančnej slobody.
Konečne máte tú správnu príležitosť.
Začnite zosilňovať svoj život.

4.6/5 - (10 votes)

* Tieto výsledky nemusia odrážať výsledky všetkých spotrebiteľov produktov Velovita. Výsledky nie sú zaručené!
Pred užitím akéhokoľvek produktu sa poraďte so svojím lekárom obzvlášť ak ste tehotná, dojčíte alebo užívate lieky na predpis.

Komentáre vypnuté na Velovita Produkty: Pozoruhodné výsledky
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